The Constitution

" We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America. "

It is "We the People" NOT "We the Lawyers"

President/Lawyer William J. Clinton 1998:
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."

Take your pick;  When the founding fathers heard this statement coming from a President of the United States, they either
1. Turned over in their graves,
2. Could not stop laughing,
3. Could not stop crying,
4. Yelled "GLOOG" from the heavens,
5. All of the above.
Of course #5 is the obvious answer. 
First the office was disgraced, then the English language was mutilated.
Point being, if the language has no real meaning, then The Constitution can have no real meaning and thus it is up for INTERPRETATION as and when needed for their agendas and to generously generate those lucrative billable hours every time a constitutional ' interpretation ' arises.
As pointed out in The Supreme Court;
The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, is nothing short of genius.  Their awe inspiring foresight proved to be a miraculous achievement.  But George and the Boys, although very close to it, were not perfect and had no crystal ball.
Could the founding fathers ever imagined that English was not a language but a group of words that could be interpreted as and when needed and as and when it served the purpose or agenda desired? 
(OK so is no 'Think Tank' the questions are just too simple...)  

   Yes this great work of genius, The United States Constitution, has been relegated to just another ' contract '.  Remember when a contract was a document that meant something?  It defined an agreement between parties.  Now, it has become a document that has no validity or meaning until the lawyers can take it to court and argue ' what the words mean '.   And on any given day in any given courtroom, they can take on the meaning that the  lawyers and lawyer/judges want them to.   So  " constitutionality " is a test on the meaning of a law.  Well if the English language has no foundation and is up for interpretation, then The Constitution becomes a work of genius transformed into powerful vehicle to override the will of the people as and when needed by the privileged class that controls the interpretation and the special interest groups that support them.
(Sodomy is OK says  The Supreme Court BUT displaying The Ten Commandments is "unconstitutional" !!)

Take a moment to think about the total control the PLC (Privileged Lawyer Class) has usurped through laws that control our freedoms while creating wealth for them.   Police, educators, parents, doctors, businessmen, manufacturers, creative minds and just the people who made America #1 in the world; they all operate ' under the thumbs ' of lawyers.  Americans now enjoy only those freedoms that lawyers, via lawsuits,  will allow.  The common misunderstanding is that lawsuits are brought by you and me.  The reality is that the majority of lawsuits are created and produced by lawyers who convince the average person that ' he is looking out for him '.    Like it or not, we have all become ' birds of prey ' and represent billable hours to the greed and indifference of a despicable group of so called professionals.
This greed and indifference has shown no respect or allegiance to anything
other than its self serving masters.  Our greatest document and the foundation of our country, The United States Constitution,  is being manipulated and destroyed by this treasonous agenda.  We must stop this before it is too late.

When the foundation weakens, the walls crack.
When the foundation collapses, the walls collapse with it..
It's Easy

Spread the Word